Like every other sector, the Job market is also highly data-dependent today. Players use data for multiple purposes from studying the job market to automating job posts. In the initial days, job market researchers and businesses had to depend on the biggest names in the market like Indeed to offer them APIs or CSV-based datasets– which were usually priced high and came with a lot of restrictions. You had to use what was available, there was no option of asking for a custom solution or extra features– your hands were tied.
Source: medium
While some have tried to scrape data on their own, it is time-consuming and unless the correct rules are followed, leads to chances of litigation. Today, thanks to DaaS providers like JobsPikr, organizations can get their hands on clean and usable job data within minutes. Given that there is a wide variety of tools and software available on the internet, it is important to understand how JobsPikr stands apart from the competition, through its revolutionary methodology, cutting-edge algorithms, and powerful tooling.
The Foundation is built on Methodologies that Matter
Getting the foundation right is the only way to certify that the data product you use is strong enough to stand the test of time. This is why JobsPikr was built on top of robust methodologies that ensure it is beneficial to Fortune 500 companies as well as startups that have just landed on the market. We cover a wide range of job postings from a variety of industries and multiple regions. Understanding various data sources and data points hosted in them is vital to guarantee that end users can use the final data stream via a simple integration. Casting a wide net on the job market also requires us to make sure that the data scraped is clean, ordered, sorted, and tagged correctly. Had you tried to build such a solution in-house, you would have needed months if not years, since you’d have had to tackle each Job Data source individually.
Another important facet that we wanted to cover was the ability to have access to real-time data. Most data sources provide data on a daily or weekly basis. Our real-time Job Data stream ensures that users have fresh data and are updated immediately when a position is opened, closed, removed, or filled. Market researchers can also spot trends or outliers more quickly and react to them when they have a live data source. An example of this would be traders who use job data as one of their decision-making requirements. During events like the COVID-19 pandemic or the 2008 financial crisis, even staying a few hours ahead of the crowd made a major difference. Often, having the right data at the right time can make the difference between a business thriving and having to close down.
Our Algorithms that Unravel the Data Maze
Under the pretty dashboards and massive data sets, lie AI-based data extraction algorithms that have proven to be an effective solution for covering the ever-increasing Job Data from a wider amount of sources. Our automated Job Crawling algorithms run on the cloud and provide you with a live data feed. This is a no-maintenance setup, which you can just integrate with your APIs and lie back and watch the data work its magic.
Our proprietary auto-extract machine learning algorithm helps in identifying various data points that are usually found on most job listing pages. The algorithm can find different variations of these data points and still recover them with a high degree of accuracy. This ensures the automatic scraping of Job Data from hundreds of websites without any user intervention.
Some of the major data points that are scraped are-
- URL of job posting
- Company Name
- Job Title
- Location
- Job Description or Details
- Salary and Skillset
For algorithms to be effective, just being able to fetch the data is not enough. It should also be able to separate data from the noise. Otherwise, the scraped data would be unusable- garbage data. Our algorithms crawl web pages and fetch only what is needed, being able to differentiate between crucial information and irrelevant details. This ensures that the final data set is comprehensive but only what you need.
Tools that Empower the User
Data is beneficial only if it is provided in a format in which it can be easily consumed. Otherwise, it remains in a silo and would end up forgotten. Our team at JobsPikr understands this and hence provides multiple tools that would help you extract more value from the data. Some of these include but are not limited to–
- Intuitive and intelligent dashboards that provide global Job Dataat your fingertips and make it easy to showcase inferences.
- You can get the data based on industry classifications such as Aviation, Automobile, IT, Pharmaceuticals, Entertainment, and more.
- Historical as well as latest Job Data are downloadable in different formats like JSON, XML, APIs, or even cloud storage.
- Customizable options from API integrations to ready-to-use dashboards- all based on what you need.
- Easy-to-use interface for companies facing the pains of hiring or workforce planning.
- Ability to use filters to get the job feed listing that fits your criteria- just like searching for an item on Amazon.
While the tools mentioned above are beneficial to those working on setting up their integrations and automation, we also provide some ready-to-use solutions, right out of the box.
Some of our ready-to-use solutions include-
- Salary benchmarking tool
- Trend analysis of the job market
- Candidate to Job matching service
- Helping design coursework based on the changing requirements of a developing sector
- Talent Intelligence Platform
- Skill Gap analysis tools
- Job board backfilling
You could be a job board owner or a data scientist working on Job Data. Our tools are so versatile that almost any project can be undertaken using them. One crucial thing to remember is that DIY solutions or easy-to-use software may seem simpler for a one-time setup but in the long run, it will be more expensive and would take your focus away from your main business problem. Having worked with close to 200 companies worldwide, we can guarantee that with JobsPikr you are set up for today and tomorrow.
The Future of Job Data
The future of Job Data is exciting and many of the tasks still handled manually today are likely to be automated. This would evolve those looking at job postings today to only look at numbers and metrics tomorrow. With time, AI and Natural Language Processing will enable us to make more sense of the raw data. This should empower you to get a lot more out of Job Data and transform your business to consume all of it.